Hi my name is Humberto Parra.
Mathematics is my passion ever since those days in high school that I remember. The school I went to is Carl Hayden High School. Back then, I see a lot people that struggle with the concepts and formulas in my math courses, for some reason I didn’t. I believe that’s because I like to deal with challenging material and also because as we all say that’s my thing. I think that the best period in life, when you are in high school; that’s just personal thought.
After graduating from Carl Hayden, then I moved onto working in all kinds of physical jobs. The one that I remember the most is working assembling windows, which was a heavy job. The worst part of doing jobs like those is that you put your body into extreme physical condition and a cheap labor. I am not saying that those are terrible jobs but I just didn’t enjoyed doing them.
Later when I realize that I didn’t like what I was doing, I decided to go back to school and continue where I left in my education. Indeed I think that my ignorance and my perception life was not clear back in high school and that’s why it kept me from not continuing school right when I graduated from high school. Getting into college is one of the best things ever to happen to me, knowing and establishing relationships with people that share similar goals in life is an incentive to keep me motivated in the path the waits for me ahead.
Finally in my conclusion I can say that thanks to Ms. Lucia Kisiel (one of the faculty from PC). I have found the area that am interested in, which is mathematics, hopefully in the future I get to meet more people with the same attitude and willing to teach others such as Ms. Lucia.
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